New - Terence Dove on Racing Drivers
Get fired up as a racing driver, learn insider driving techniques and go after sponsors with zeal!
The first time I sat in a kart (1987 Rye House) and pushed the throttle the world suddenly made perfect sense. It was frightening, violent and magical. In a flash everything else became insignificant. I had been irreversibly transformed into another species: a racing driver.
I didn’t know that it meant for the rest of my life I would find all other activities pointless and all non-racing people less worthy, but it did. I think that’s what defines us as racing drivers, the first experience of a racing machine. After that, there’s no way back for us.
Disastrously though, we aren’t recognised as a higher species by the regular folk who fail to treat us accordingly. They don’t see that paying for us to race is due recompense for our bravery and fine example, so they leave us to toil for ourselves.
So this is what this newsletter is going to be all about. How to survive as a demi-god in the world as it is - designed for normal people, not the wonderfully complex and heroic superhumans that we are.
My aim is to help myself and my fellow superior creatures summon up the needed motivation with rants, passionate ravings and actual stuff on driving to help you get faster.
If you are already subscribed get ready to be revved up - or…
Until next time